December-08 - German magazine MO has an aricle on the Eckert Honda.
December-08 - Stickers! We have stickers now! Just go to Gear.
Oktober-08 - The second volume of Colin Seeleys autobiography 'Racer - and the Rest' is out, covering the years from 1970, also featuring the Seeley Honda. Go to, and 'Men and Machines'.
September-07 - A movie on Egli is in the making, a trailer is already available at
August-07 - 10 years of Satanic Mechanic! In August 1997, I started the first page on special frames and performance modifications for the Honda CB 750 SOHC/4. To see how the Satanic Mechanic pages looked back then, click here.
07-Juli-07 - The first book on Fritz Egli is out. Bilingual, 280 pages. Go to or call Michael Niemann: +49-2371-25292.
30-June-07 - Fritz Egli is celebrating his 70th Birthday. All the best, Fritz!
20-June-07 - German magazine 'Klassik Motorrad' has a four page article on the Bimota HB1.
04-May-07 - German magazine Oldtimer Markt has an article on Rickman CRs.
06-February-07 - German magazine 'Klassik Motorrad' has a 22 page article on EGLI.
31-December-06 - Am letzten Tag in 2006 geht die deutsche Version online.
um zu www. kommen.
For the English version,
to go to www.
Nico Bakker
Being a successful road racer in the early 1970s, Nico Bakker was not content with his race bikes. After he had built the first chassis purely for himself, other fellow racers soon started to approch him to build them a chassis, too.
In 1973, he eventually started building frames commercially. Until early 1980s, he had built a wide range of chassis for street and racing use. His customers included well known names like Giacomo Agostini, Cork Ballington, Johnny Cecotto, Phil Read and others.
Bakker Honda
Bakker RCB-9 |
Bakker RCB Honda |
The 750 SOHC/4 never played a major role in Bakker's chassis line, nonetheless a few of them exist, some with the RCB engine. Most Bakker Hondas were equipped with the later 750/900/1100 DOHC engines.
The present
Today, Nico Bakker is still active in the frame building business. He has a variety of models, from more classic BMW kits to the futuristic QCS.
Bakker Framebouw
Donkereweg 1
1704 DV Heerhugowaard
Tel: +31 72 5714642
Fax: +31 72 5744844