December-08 - German magazine MO has an aricle on the Eckert Honda.
December-08 - Stickers! We have stickers now! Just go to Gear.
Oktober-08 - The second volume of Colin Seeleys autobiography 'Racer - and the Rest' is out, covering the years from 1970, also featuring the Seeley Honda. Go to, and 'Men and Machines'.
September-07 - A movie on Egli is in the making, a trailer is already available at
August-07 - 10 years of Satanic Mechanic! In August 1997, I started the first page on special frames and performance modifications for the Honda CB 750 SOHC/4. To see how the Satanic Mechanic pages looked back then, click here.
07-Juli-07 - The first book on Fritz Egli is out. Bilingual, 280 pages. Go to or call Michael Niemann: +49-2371-25292.
30-June-07 - Fritz Egli is celebrating his 70th Birthday. All the best, Fritz!
20-June-07 - German magazine 'Klassik Motorrad' has a four page article on the Bimota HB1.
04-May-07 - German magazine Oldtimer Markt has an article on Rickman CRs.
06-February-07 - German magazine 'Klassik Motorrad' has a 22 page article on EGLI.
31-December-06 - Am letzten Tag in 2006 geht die deutsche Version online.
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For the English version,
to go to www.
Frenchman Michel Guedon only built a few chassis for the CB 750 engine. He gained more popularity for his car engine powered V6 motorcycles.
Guedon Honda
Guedon Honda |
Guedon V6 |
The present